Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Account Expenses

These are expenses incurred by the enterprise but are not yet paid, and this normally occurs when the accounting period ended such as rent, salaries, interest, taxes payable and etc. Progression Progressive Progressively Progressives Progressivism Prohibit Prohibited Prohibiting Prohibition Prohibitive Prohibits Project Projected Projecting Projection Projections Projects Proletarian Proletariat Proliferate Proliferation Prolific Prologue Prolong Prolonged Prolongs Prom Prominence Prominent Prominently Promiscuity Promiscuous Promise Promised Land Promises Promising Promo Promos Promote Promoted Promoter Promoters Promotes Promoting Promotion Promotions Prompt Prompted Prompting Promptly nature nine office older onto original parent particular path Peter pick process public quick report rope rose safe term nation metal major joined include imagine hurt hardly grown giving cost cotton count dance describe desert dinner doctor dollar drop electric element equal March meal medicine merely mice molecular musical Negro occur orange ought pack partly pine pink pitch pool prepare press caught prevent pure rabbit ranch receive rice rising rocket Saturday shade shirt shoot shorter silence slipped Smith somewhere standard straw strip substance suggest Sunday teach thirty Thomas thread throat tight triangle truth union warn whispered wool want water way well went what when